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Ozzies Lost Yesterday !

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mikey4444 | 07:29 Fri 07th Aug 2015 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Australia ..all out for 60 ! Oh dear !


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Were you not around yesterday, mikey? There was a wicket by wicket update on AB yesterday although we had trouble keeping up
No no, not yet ... Australia aren't playing until this evening.

Their game against Trinidad and Tobago is at 6.05pm, UK time.
Question Author, had to work I'm afraid !...Work, the curse of the drinking man !
JJ...........just go and pour another cup of coffee for me........please.
Ozzies lost what yesterday?
Morning, sqad x

Obviously I have to tell you to get your own coffee!
didn't they just ! tee hee !
Their highest scorer was Extras.
Classic #fail

That is brilliant.
"Ozzies Lost Yesterday" I'm no expert, but I think the game is still not finished yet
2 early wickets....the fat lady isn't singing yet.
make that 3
a lead of 300 would be good, only 27 more runs to go
hope broad doesn't wear himself out scoring a quick fifty
there's the 300, and the runs go on and on
Very generous declaration imho, We survived till lunch, who knows what the afternoon will bring !!
Ozzies Lost Today !

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Ozzies Lost Yesterday !

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