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Craig Breedlove

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Khandro | 21:51 Wed 12th Aug 2015 | Motoring
12 Answers
Does the name still stir? (well it does me!). By strange accident stumbled across this YouTube 'What's My line' with 60's land speed hero Craig Breedlove, you get James Garner thrown in for free/



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Sorry, not being in UK gives problems, anyone interested could try;
this one?
The one that really gets me is a who do you do with Robin Williams as guest he was hyper but never laughed so much.
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sorry again. - try to Google; ' youTube, Craig breedlove, what's my line, james garner' should find it - (for nutters only!)
I (a practising nutter) have just done so
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Thanks jno!
Did Craig Breedlove drive "Blue Flame" or "Spirit of America"? (could Google it but thought somebody might know offhand). I seem to think it was Gary Gabelich (think that's how you spell it) who drove Blue Flame.
pretty sure it was Spirit of America (on the grounds that I've never heard of Blue Flame)
Yes it certainly was. But, now I've looked it up, Blue Flame was awesomer (!). Having taken the record from Breedlove, Gary Gabelich's record stood until 1983 when Richard Noble's "Thrust 2" stole the crown:
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"The kilometer record of 630.388 mph (1,014.511 km/h) stood until ThrustSSC went supersonic in 1997, raising it to 760.343 mph (1,223.653 km/h)."

Spine-tingling stuff, something for young and old Brits to be proud of.

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Craig Breedlove

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