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4 Year Old Scored A Try !

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mikey4444 | 17:58 Tue 18th Aug 2015 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

This made me smile and hopefully will everybody else as well !


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Brilliant! Thanks for posting that mikey, :)
Lovely - thanks mikey
That's great, thanks Mikey! :-)
Question Author
Well, it certainly brightened my day !
That's lovely....thanks, Mikey....x
Ahh so lovely thank you mikey
Fab!! :D x x
That's not funny - Leeds Rhinos Rob Burrow might be small in stature, but he makes up for it in heart!
well they do need some new players - in union, league and, of course, cricket......
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While we are on the subject of Rugabe Leeeeague, how about this big lad ?

Brave lad for coming out, although when you are his size, I guess he's not to bothered about the sniggers in the showers !

I had to laugh, when he says that there aren't any more gays in Batley....I wouldn't bet on it Keegan ! ! !
Brilliant for the young fella teaching the egg chasers how to play the game.
Great sportsmanship from the players.
has ozzie seen this yet.....?

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4 Year Old Scored A Try !

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