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I Am On The Wrong Site

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jennyjoan | 15:09 Wed 19th Aug 2015 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I am on the wrong site - should be technology - but there are more here - at last I have just got Maxie's photo in my email. Can I email him here in any kind of way. thanks


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I must be psychic, JennyJoan, as I appeared to have answered your question two months before you posted it ;-)
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mamylyne - I have maxie on my pictures - how do you sign up for gravatar
Awwww :)
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I managed to get him on My Pictures - I also have managed to sign in on Gravatar - - and his picture came up - it is trying to get him onto here.
He's here
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OMG I done it - that was just trial and error - Wowee.
We done!! He's super Conne.
he's cute
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thanks baldric but he's on now - that's my wee duck

That's just an enlargement of your avatar jj, that's all
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that's the best I can do - he's here and he's here to stay
Little cutie.
Lovely avatar, jj. It's nearly as nice as mine.:-)

Seriously, he does look like a little darlin' Well done for taking him on.
Yay!! Well done!! He looks a real sweetie! :)

x x

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