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Rainbow Salad

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EcclesCake | 16:56 Sun 09th Aug 2015 | Food & Drink
17 Answers
I'm suffering from a touch of brain fade!

Any suggestions for blue/indigo/violet foods suitable for a salad.

I cannot think beyond blue/purple potatoes and beetroot, fruits such as blueberries don't really float my boat. I am sure there are many more things but I am struggling to think of any.

Suggestions please!


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blackberries? purple broccoli tendrils?
Red cabbage?
Red cabbage.
You can get purple tomatoes now, I believe.
purple oak salad leaves too
Figs and plums
Obviously not a major part of a salad but chive flowers fit your colour scheme, look nice and are delicious
Apparently violet flowers are edible ( very chefs)
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Oh yes, figs and blue cheese would be a brilliant addition.

Doh, why didn't I think of red cabbage???? The brain fade is worse than I thought!
Purple carrots are available, and we nearly always have halved black grapes in our salad.
Yes grapes are lovely in salad (makes up for tomato which I don't like.) blue cheese is good too.
Question Author
I had thought of purple carrots......I could do a little a Heston trick and serve orange beetroot and purple carrots and see who notices!

Edible flowers is a brilliant idea, especially for a touch of true blue borage.
You can't eat violas I believe. They look amazing when sugared and used to decorate cakes.
You CAN...
Growing at this very moment I have Black Russian Tomatoes, Yellow tomatoes. Red and green lettuce. Red,yellow, and lilac chard.
Rainbow carrots and White/ purple striped beetroot.
Purple and yellow french beans.
We never have a boring salad !

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