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Sand Filled Marigolds And......

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gness | 19:20 Sat 22nd Aug 2015 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
....a red pen......

Mrs O is still very poorly.......we did have a nice time together though....I hope I cheered her and passed some time for her.....'tis a long day in an isolation room.....

She was so happy to get all your good wishes......including the cheeky ones which made her smile.....

We are working on a sand filled marigold as a plaything as so many of the chaps seem smitten with it.....

And she has given me charge of the red pen.....temporarily.....just in case.... have cheered her.....thank you.....Gx


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Right you lot, get your Marigolds ready for the celebration!
Well done to you, Gness, for putting yourself out and driving all that way. I'm sure you have done a power of good with your kindness. She will have appreciated you being there.

Best wishes to Mrs_0 xx
Meant is she in isolation at her Majesty's Pleasure as in Holloway.

As for your suggestion Helly, 'Marigold Day' when we all turn up in Whitby in our rubber gloves and overalls, it'll knock spots off the turnout for the Goth weekends. (And there's a pretty good fish and chip shop down by the harbour) We could even put an overall and Marigolds on the statue of Captain Cook. How about that?
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Ahh......I see hospitals as such dirty, dangerous places that's where my mind was, Cory......☺

I'll bring the overall....x
I'll buy new Marigolds for 'Mrs O' day'. Seriously, I'm not hugely far away and even though we've never met I could try to make time to visit. Next week is really cluttered with medical appts. and step-daughter visit, but I could try the week after. Is she in Whitby hospital itself, or Scarborough which is big? Please let me know gness. :)
Hail to thee great international super model.....get back to us soon...Tony has been at the goats again and needs taking in hand....sorry that he would like, he needs a good he would like that too...he needs a big red pen through his...give up....just get back and sort things..we miss you more than words xxx
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Hi, Minty.....☺

J....thank you so much....can we see what this week brings then I'll give you my throwaway......x
Love the idea of Marigold day
Please send my best wishes to Mrs. O
Any news of our missing superstar?

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Sand Filled Marigolds And......

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