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TWR | 19:32 Tue 01st Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
Think where time has gone? Eg, 18 years Princess Di.


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(that's all about the same age, beyond 'crinkly')
Ummmm - there are times when I still want my mum so much. She died in 1990. In fact I think my 1st marriage began to die 8 mths. after she did - in tears and pain I cried that 'I want my mum!' and he replied 'Well, you can't have her.'

I don't know where all the time has gone - it just does - so now I try to live as much in time as I can. I don't want to do a Richard 11 - 'I wasted time and now doth time waste me'. :)
Google's happened since then. I can still remember using things like Lycos and Ask Jeeves.
Jourdain, from the same play, take heart in

“My dear, dear Lord,
The purest treasure mortal times afford
Is spotless reputation; that away
Men are but gilded loan or painted clay...
Mine honour is my life; both grow in one;
Take honour from me, and my life is done.”
Thank you very much DTC - very much appreciated. :) x
.....and Elvis would be 80 years old now.
When I was a baby, time crawled

When I was a child, time walked

When I became an adult, time ran

When I became old, time flew

I said to my brother: you realise your eldest went up to uni twenty y ago ?

and he said oops yeah sort of
I can't believe my daughter will be 53 next month. Had dinner with them all tonight as we are going to France on Friday, so a time to catch up. We were talking of HER pension and retirement plNs. Now that felt really weird.
// perfect implosions , one of the keys to kick starting a nucleur bomb, if I remember correctly.//

yes sir randy, rightee

Readers Digest had an article on the High School Kid whose final year project got classified by the CIA and the project was on how to build a bomb

he had persuaded the american counter part to TELL him how getting a perfect implosion was done
" I shouldnt say that - but you're only a kid blah blah blah "

and the big secret they took years to solve was a perfectly symmetrical implosion was generated by asymmetrical distribution of the separate charges... ( ter-daaaah )

and I would like fifty thousand gormless whaaaaa's or else if anyone on AB has understood that comment I will have to come around and shoot them
Eh? My hands are held high PP>
Just a few weeks ago, I was a teenager ,now... well ... I'm not!!
My father died in 1980 when I was eighteen and I feel I never really knew him as an adult
He has missed so much in my life and so much has happened in the world since he passed. He would have loved the Internet
My mum is 88 and still with us

And after this the precious babe starts school tomorrow
Where does the time go indeed

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