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Should Sister Be Allowed To Form A Civil Partnership Together? Strictly For Financial Reasons One Understands.

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anotheoldgit | 13:56 Fri 11th Sep 2015 | News
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//But many more will continue to pay to a "Dependent"//

The survivor need not necessarily be a dependent. They may be self-supporting. Nevertheless, they should be entitled to a pension paid by the deceased, as a spouse is.

//In any event the recent pension changes gives people flexibility to withdraw pensions and invest elsewhere.//

At a cost that many can’t afford. Apart from that it shouldn’t be necessary. A civil partnership for all who want to enter into one is the simplest solution.
I am sure that nobody now checks whether a couple who are entering into a civil partnership actually are gay.....its only relatives who lose out :( My late husband's pension was only transferable to a spouse or civil partner on his death and he had no choice in this as the pension was set up by his employers as part of his salary package. It just seems so stupid and unfair.
Barmaid, do you have a reason for your objection?
I didn't mean to put colon bracket I meant this :(
increasing the tax threshold to £1m will cover most cases I would think. The easiest way to increase social mobility as well.
that won't deal with pensions or the next of kin issue.
Siblings cannot be considered as civil partners and are therefor liable to inheritance tax. Disgraceful state of affairs. Another example of the skewed bias in favour of the strident.
The most effective way to enhance social mobility would be to bring back the grammar schools johny37
Why not allow it ? These relationship things clearly do not have the depth of meaning they once had. A partnership is a partnership, just seems churlish to forbid it these days.

Or better still scrap all these legally recognised partnership things and either scrap special status for partners totally or simply allow folk to nominate someone to benefit from such a status with them.

The moment authorities start giving out special status a can of worms gets opened. Treat all equally and things stay simpler.

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