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What Happenned To Once In A Generation?

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ToraToraTora | 14:38 Sun 13th Sep 2015 | News
10 Answers
Don't get me wrong, I would give JimmyK and the SW2 independence tomorrow, I just think it's a bit unfair on those that already gave the answer last year.


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I don't know if you saw Nicola Sturgeon buttering up to the Queen on Her Majesties recent visit to Scotland?

How can that Scot's person be so hypocritical when she seems so intent on breaking up the United Kingdom?
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"Breaking up the United Kingdom"
8% leaving is not really breaking it up is it, there will still be 92% left
"Sw2" Why would you give part of London Independence tomorrow ?
I guess we'll have to see if this actually does turn into another referendum. To be fair to the SNP, this is merely a proposal to set down a series of scenarios in which a new vote might happen at some unspecified (and possibly non-existent) future date, rather than an aim to hold a second one before 2020.

Still, it's rather frustrating -- apparently, referenda don't shut up the losing side nearly as much as you would think! (Irish vote on EU constitution, electoral reform from the AV referendum, etc etc)
The Queen would be Head of State as Queen of Scots in an independent Scotland so what is the problem?
It was obvious that the SNP were going to continue to worry this bone, after the landslide in May. This issue isn't going to go anyway anytime soon, so we had better get used to it.

I was firmly in the NO camp last year, but now I am not so sure. Perhaps we should let the Scots up anchor and drift off into the North Sea after all, if it stops them whining and complaining !
Or perhaps politicians should just accept the will of the people.

She is obviously a dictator...I would have thought TCL & mikey would be against a ditatorship!
", if it stops them whining and complaining !"

Sorry but it's not the Scots doing the " whining and complaining !"
Steg...on that we will have to agree to disagree, as its now Cocktail Time !

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