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Caran | 00:24 Mon 14th Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Managed to get an earlier train today. There had "Been an incident in the tunnel" and our original crossing was cancelled. Didn't find out what the incident was though.
Got home 6.00 pm. Absolutely shattered. Torrential rain for first hour or so then the traffic was a bit heavy at times but glad to be home.
Not many cockups or disasters, only trivial stuff really so he can come on holiday next time.


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Glad you had a good time Caran.x
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Don't know methyl, there was no information available. I did try and find out on google but nothing doing.
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We were on Eurotunnel methyl.
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No we didn't see anything. There was nothing forthcoming to say what was the problem.
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Methyl, it might well be an excellent migrant point from West to East.
Welcome home Caran. Good to see you are back in one piece!

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