Phoenix 11 Sept '15 - Lots Left!
Grateful for assistance, can't get my head these:
10A He sounds like his dad is a bore, getting right into game at table. (8)
_ O _ F _ R
12A Wavering, isn’t given to taking a stake by putting less than one’s shirt in. (9)
I _ v _ S _ I _ _ (must be INVESTING, but why?)
17D After being told to turn over a new leaf, state that it can be a source of poisoning (8)
_ T _ _ _ _ _ _
18D General Dwight begins to organise greatly augmented entity. (8)
_ N _ _ _ _ _ _
15D Being in fashion, tour guide goes round outskirts of Mali’s ancient city. (9)
C _ U _ _ _ _ _ _
24A Queen’s basic vocal has Mercury starting but then doesn’t use all five vowels. (5)
27A Could you meet this girl during a morning ride? (6)
29A This clue is second last, but also last. (6)