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Meccano Bridge !

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mikey4444 | 07:39 Sat 19th Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Nice to see the favourite toy from my youth in the 50's and 60's is still going strong !

Gladdens my heart to see this.


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Surprising amount of Bayco stuff on Ebay !

But this is the toy that I really, really wanted as a boy. However my parents were never wealthy enough to even think of buying me one...worst luck !
Yes, Mikey, I remember staring longingly at those engines in the toy departments as well...Never did own one. But when I was a teenager, I did build model airplanes and fly them with .049" engines: great fun, until they crashed!
On that Bayco link, I had the box set pictured in the bottom left on the fourth picture down...Wow, that picture brought back memories!!
This will make you envious then,mikey. I picked it up on a car boot some years ago.The lady selling it obviously had no ides of it's value and had priced it at at so low a price even I would have felt guilty so I made an offer and we both got a bargain.It was still in the box and looking at the burner it had never been fired up.My nieces lad,now eight is fascinated by it and everytime he comes he has to have it running,it's nice to know it'll go where it's appreciated when I'm gone
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Paddy...envious is too small a word !

What a smasher !

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