Sometimes I start from the bottom and that's what happened this morning, so I noticed right away, only but the Record on a Tuesday & Saturday for the crossword, like you say most annoying!!!
Fair point ellie. Maybe their thinking behind it is that some people won't send their crossword in because of the error. and it would be unfair to pick a winner from those that decided to post theirs in regardless.. !! Don't know..!!
107d R?R? From all the 7 possibilities is likely to be RARE, based on usual level of clues etc.
108d M?C? From all the 11 possibilities is likely to be MACE / MOCK / MICE / MICK + maybe a couple of others based on usual level of clues etc.
Where does it say it's void? They could allow assumed answers whether correct or not for those two clues. Surely if people don't know it's officially void then many people might be wasting postage.