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Good Morning Ab'ers

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NoMercy | 04:11 Thu 24th Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
Good morning all. It's Thursday, so it's practically the weekend!

Only one week until I jet off to sunny Seville for mum's birthday :) Temperature seems to be holding its own over there.

Anyone have any special plans this weekend?

Have a great day everyone xx


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Morning all, Lovely bright morning again. Car sailed through M.O.T. which, as you all know, is a relief. Get myself out handy this morning and enjoy the fine weather.
Morning Togo.....
Morning togo. Well done mate. Always a relief isn't it.
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Mornin boatie and you too dt. It was only the little runabout Pug used by 'She who must be obeyed', but it is nice to go through without a repair bill. Flu jabs this Saturday for us up here for us.
they're using new needles this year, Togo, three times the size of the normal ones...they're concerned about the potential aggressiveness of the C233N strand of flu and are upping the amount of the antiserum in you.
Mornin ozz. a relief for you to pass 'inspection' against Fiji yesterday as well.
LOL dt. Am not too concerned with the size of the needle, just where they put it.
I had my flu jab yesterday, along with a blood test. Just wait for the results now. The flu jab always worked for Vera. She had the jab, she got the flu. Every time. Worked a treat.
That's the little one DT. The big one's a stirrup pump.
Good Morning all nice morning . xx wbm I have never had the flu jab most of my friends have and always had the flu but I have kept clear of it .Have a nice day all think I will do my shopping .
Morning Wendi....unfortunately time for me to be shifting a leg or three, so I'm going to wish you all a great day.
Morning wendi xxx She only had a mild bit of flu, usually for just a couple of days. It didn't stop her at all.

Have a good'un DT.
Morning all !

Nice start to the day and it looks set fair for the day. But it is getting more noticeably colder, especially at night. But it is Autumn, so I guess we shouldn't be surprised ! The trees haven't really started to turn yet, and it still looks very green and summery.

Not looking forward to the dreaded turning back of the clocks though....I ruddy hate those dark evenings !
Morning mikey. I hate the whole nonsense of mucking a bout with the clocks. Not necessary these days. Just leave it on BST all year round will be fine.
I'm going to make a move and get a load of garden rubbish to the tip.

Have a happy day everyone. :o}

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