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Welcome Back To The World Boaty !

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mikey4444 | 17:58 Fri 09th Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
I understand that your "box" is now fixed...hope it wasn't too painful !


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welcome back to the surreal, boaty.....

Now turn your venom on your broadband supplier and BT......three months free I would say.
Thanks mikey and DT.

The BT man was brilliant. see the GMEB thread It's good to be back. I didn't come on last night as I spent most of the evening answering over a hundred emails. Of the 150, 40 were rubbish.

Nice to be back. :o}
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Nice to have you back Boaty !

We miss our regulars you know....well, not all of them of course !

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Welcome Back To The World Boaty !

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