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Resting The Turkey

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Samuraisan | 16:14 Tue 24th Dec 2019 | Food & Drink
15 Answers
Do you leave it resting with or without foil convering it. Surely it will get cold without ?


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With foil and maybe a tea towel over that - won't go cold for quite a while.
I always rest meat with a foil covering.
Quote from Auntie Beeb:
"Remove the turkey from the oven and rest in a warm place for 30-45 mins, don’t skip this step as the juices won’t be reabsorbed back into the turkey and will run out if you carve it straightaway. Don’t cover the turkey too tightly if you want the skin to stay crisp but keep it warm"

Resting The Turkey...

I must stop seeing euphemisms in everything...
^^^That will never happen...;)
I let any roasted meat rest for at least 10-15 mins. I cover it with foil & several tea towels or I put another roasting tin upside down after covering meat with foil
Rest it covered for at least half as long as you cooked it. 10-15 mins is not enough. Doesnt matter if it cools. That's why we serve hot gravy.
Does anyone really enjoy turkey? Dry and tasteless IMO.
I rest mine for at least an hour with foil on top and a folded towel on top of that.
Yes, Jackdaw. If you know how to keep it moist and flavoured it's a good meal. I used to hate it until I learned how to cook it properly.
I'm not a fan of turkey (and yes, I can cook it properly) I'm also not a fan of chicken.

Goose and Duck for us and both will be well rested. As long as possible.
Jackdaw, I really dislike Turkey however well in it is cooked, dry or moist. It has always been rib of beef for us at Christmas.
I love turkey, rested or not, and I love cold turkey sandwiches as well.
I've got one of those '2 oven' jobs, a little one above and the main below. Not cooking a whole turkey for 2 of us, just a turkey joint, so will rest it in the upper oven, pleasantly warm, while the spuds etc. finish in the main oven. That way I can keep it uncovered and with crisped skin and bacon-strips. Works OK..
Before that I used to do as others have suggested and cover loosely with foil with a hole in it. Good luck everyone. :)

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