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The week 1304 is a tad evil this week. Fáil to keep behind a rock rabbit? ?R???E Teacher expresses disapproval about naughty rose? T?T?R??? Is it Tutorial?...
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Championship football clubs measurements!
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help please and parsing 6a enrolled nurse enthralled by some pop?6 ???E?? 10a take away a painting 8 ????R??? 20a old sailors pick up neckwear 8 ??A???E? 25a fail to keep behind a rock rabbit 6 ?A???E...
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Paper run from temporary accomodation. (9) thanks
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The week 1294 Final ordinary one 19 down Mike goes in close for a dance (5) S?O?? Anyone know what's the dead friend about?...
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3 Down Arid Bass taken up by early composer? (4) ?Y?D i wonder is it BYRD......
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Stumped on the week 1291 Boris himself not entirely a Conservative Politician? R?s?i is it Rossi? Some glib Minister not entirely up in the clouds ????i Old estate in S Africa with view and fresh air?...
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Few to get please. 24A: For Dubs, of course, a pint of plain is easy to source. (6,5). l?f?e?-?a??r 64A: So familiar with Santa is Rudolph quickly called (4) R??? 48A. This years panto starts at 12,...
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Been involved with US margins as collapsing Could be me (8,7) ?U?????? ?A????? Rate American airman's flying contribution to war? ???A?????R??...
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Cricket side with number in good form.(2’4). I can only fit in “ on song” but I cannot work out why. Thank for all who helped....
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Work in what's left of summer? Sounds like what's seasonally different! (4,2,6) I have .i.e/.f/.p.i.g Rite of spring or Time of spring? The first , a ballet, fits the "work" in the clue but, in the...
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Offer to tackle trouble for nightwatchman(8)
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There’s rhubarb and jam in trifles. (12) I think it is fiddlesticks but where does rhubarb fit? Thanks...
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Priest changed details on say, his current position [6]....S?T?E?
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Banks latest base rate affecting intervals at work? R?? ?????? (3,6)...
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STUCK ELENOR CATCHES LOUD BORING CHAP BACK HOME FROM TOURS? E? F?M?L?E Who could have orchestrated Brahms Nocturne? ?O?E?T ?????A?N Notes with gardens said to get potting wrong? M?S??? Congress...

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