Hi everyone! Me and a team of school mates really want to preform Mariah Carrey's - All I Want For Christmas Is You at our anual Christmas concert. I play the piano out of this group, and i really...
i recently purchased these boots of eBay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIte m&rd=1&item=320175659004&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN: IT&ih=011 i paid for them on thursday and its been more than a...
are these correct? Zn + CuO = ZnO + Cu 2Fe + 3CuO = Fe2O3 + 3Cu Mg + CuO = MgO + Cu Fe + ZnO = ZnO + Fe Cu + Fe2O3 = Fe2O3 = Al2O3 Al + Fe2O3 = Al2O3 Thanks x
i really really want a pair! wheres the cheapest place to get them (other than eBay :P) or what other straighteners are amost identical x Thanks in ad x
Hi all, At dinner this evening my niece and I were discussing a piece of science homework she had been set. I helped her answer all the other questions except for number 4! It probably has an easy...
Heya Everyone! Ive just had the posh cut done and it looks great after straightening etc. - however my hair doesn't stay like that for very long! My fringe kinks and my hair just tends to be very "fly...
Heya! I find the religion Buddhism very interesting - but i can't seem to figure out the link between the three universal truths (anica, dukkah, and anatta) Thanks a milion! x
can anybody give me the word which means a "genius creation" - i just can't think of one and ingeniosity is obviously not a word =D The sentence is as followes: The igloo, a nomadic from of refuge, an...