Please can you help.
9 .Leo,Parsley or Clarence in a pub (4 .3 )
21.This one on me (5 .3 )
26 Hot drink in direction of nine (4 )
Thank you for any help given....
Please can you help.
36.A boxer's accessory.(9)
42.Very sentimental song,book or film etc,, inviting grief(4.6)
44.Material that gathers in corner of the eye.( 3.)
Thank you for any help given....
Please can you help. 6. Can't hold one to the expert leads first bit of a magic word. 11.Metallic rockagainst garden alcove fifth first inventory tailless. 13.Be quiet plus Mr Trotter in this place....
Please can you help. 2b.Honey bear(8) rhyme with Pooh pooh. 12a.Connection between Aasgard,,Matches & Santiam (3.8) Rhymes with mermaids. Phrases/Sayings vowels removed. 24.PTL DNT. 32 BN Y RG RD....
The answers are all names of artists. Please can you help. 48.Scripture lesson followed by French darkness. 49.Choose a donkey circle. 50 Search. 53.Sounds like 12 surrounded by a opener. No numbers...
Please can you help.
5.Potassium & Mr Reagan look for alpha (5)
15.Primate falls around group.(6)
24.Dad,thank you & state.(6)
Thank you for any help given....
Please can you help. 3.Exist clever wordsmith garden store.b 13.Slang for criticising come into 32.Regret 13 to 19.r 33.ninet3nth overhanging tent shelter 50%.s. No numbers given.Smmal...
Please can you help with section 3.The answers are ingredients used by cooks in run up to Christmas.Number count for 49.
CIPES (5.5.)
I have an answer of 5 letters.
Thank you can you help....
Please can you help. Section 2 each question has an answer with a kitchen item within the name . E.g German composer of Red Headed Woman.l have Orhan Pamuk.But cannot work...
Please can you help.
2.One punctuation 24 hours reject.
20.Room at the top changing one to other(2)
25.Fleshly bit of thumb.
No numbers given.
Thank you for any help given....
Please can you help. 15.Leaner leads small land mass in the sea. 17.Colloquially matter hesitate Mr Martin. 24.Children's hideout not'er. 34.Money lake. 42.One "small fry fish" stroke with tongue. No...
The quiz setter said not ask online as people often give answers.So anyone would like to maybe give a few extra clues l would be grateful. 42.Liberal grub.(5.4) 45.Clad clock client.(5.3.7.)...
Answers lead to words associated with summer. 46.You are in two directions. this a head covering for a child? 58.Take it easy,chilling. 50.Me shout. No numbers given.Thank you for any help...