Dr. Sqad was brought up on charges at the medical board. He had, it seemed, uttered the vilest profanity to his nurse. He explained, "Let me tell you what happened. My alarm didn't go off, so I woke...
Friday. An hour and a half ago there was not a cloud in the sky. Now it's horizon to horizon clouds. Tiggy was in for his supper at 2.30, looking a bit sleepy. It won't be long before he's tucked up...
3d Begin to go down after fish and chips (9) ??R???T??
16d Sailor climbing up on ship missing the last rope of rigging (7)
17 Country chap is held up outside biblical city (7)...
21d Gloomy surrounded by very big smells (6)
11a Title and group's sound endlessly reviewed (10) ??S E S O
19d Go back on promise arising in naive generosity (6)...
Wednesday. Not raining at the moment. Very misty though, chilly too. Tiggy was in for his supper, scoffed it a shot off back to his nest. He'll be thinking about hibernating soon, unless it warms up...
iv'e used internet banking for a few years, last 2 via iphone 4s. this week my partner updated to the same phone,is it possible to connect her phone to the same joint account. ie 2phones 1 account.
17.a. belonging to a former era (3-4) _ _ _/_ R _ E
21.a. seditious (0( _ _ _ _ _ G _ _ _
13.a. equipment and other requisites (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
12.d. general rule (9) _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _...
i know what i can see, this has *** all to do with sport so why the symbolism here to illuminati occult.
someone try to tell me different , if you can ....
1d fills out page with material that profits paper p??? 2d promoted soldier not in reserve, right? o???c?r - officer? 4d stop serving part of meal, so to speak d???r? 9a faults what treacherous person...
Saturday. Not too bad out this morning, a bit chilly, but it is October. Tiggy was in for his supper as usual, on his own again. I'n in the Heritage Centre today. I'm not on duty but friends from...
How are you all this morning? It's STILL pouring rain here and we had quite spectacular storms last night. Weekend looks like it's going to be a washout - literally. Hope it's better where you are. xx...