Here are today's shaded clues for you - 5a Garden vegetable known in French as 'petit pois' used for various dishes including risotto or eaten straight from their pods [4] 13a Represented as a blue...
my mum gave me a plant that looked like the top of a pineapple now after a couple of years it has flowered with a waxy long pink flower with green bits hanging out the end of the flower has anyone any...
Candis cryptic crossword june 2018
10a) calmed daughter following a vote in favour after all (7)
23a) famous and incompetent(7)
14d) assorted dangers in plots (7)
Please help. Thank you...
Did you all know that I am a world-class inventor? Here's my list of things that I have created, the list in the format of a Generation Game conveyor belt. Please add yours..... A pedal powered...
I love playing ‘telekinetic snooker’. But you’ve got to be in the right frame of mind for it. I brush after every meal, and my dentist says my hair looks lovely. I purchased a new car the other...
1.Wine sourced in El Paso Avenue (5). 2.being very near one must shut down where rifles may be used (5,5) 3.removal or editing of material deemed morally objectionable (10) 4.some waste energy finding...
Stuck on two
4d Creature, small crawler (5) S _ E _ P
7d Hypocrisy over partnership in the americas, a persistant theme (6,6)
_ A _ T _ S / _ I _ M _ S...
Hi all a few left for me
10a Niche one left unaltered (6) ??C?V?
11a Haven one's left unaltered (5) O?SI? is it OASIS?
6d Remove times table last (5) E???E
Thanks in advance...
"Rainbow Charities" Treasure Hunt
Please help with this question! Looking for confirmation for the answer I came up with! Any hints would be helpful!...