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What did the drummer name his twin daughters? Anna one, Anna two...
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Alphapuzzle cryptic clue for today....
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If it's ready-made, this will get me down! The solution is Reach. Unfortunately I am unable to reconcile the answer to the clue. Could someone please help. Thanks in advance.
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Proverb suggesting that knowledge can be acquired at any age..(2,2,5,3,4,2,5) Many thanks...
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Sunday Express Alphapuzzle cryptic clue....
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Rise awkwardly having taken proper rest...
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Alphapuzzle cryptic clue. (Extra early today as we have a very early appointment.)...
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I've met and have been speaking to this girl for a while now. We were talking back and forth on text. The conversation was about self improvement. She sent a picture of herself in a dress as the...
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Today's Alphapuzzle cryptic clue. (This one can't be difficult as even I worked it out!)...
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Can anyone help with cyclops 712, 17 ac "sent mad, containing short temper"? I have - w - e - e - . I think maybe "tweeted" but not sure? thanks...
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22(A) Ubiquitous wife has the lot: two cooks - everything ??A?/?O/????
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The High Court is to decide whether the £48 Billion "Levelling up Fund" has been unlawfully given to areas to be of Political benefit to the Con Party. They just can't help having their fingers in the...
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Alphapuzzle cryptic clue from today's Sunday Express....
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Today's Alphapuzzle cryptic clue....
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I’m struggling to parse 24A Saw a team keeping two metres apart (5) I have MAXIM. I think I have the wordplay (A team=eleven [AXI] separates the 2 Ms), but I can’t fathom SAW as the definition. I am,...
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Somewhat unusual - today's Alphapuzzle clue....
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Today's Alphapuzzle clue. (It probably isn't relevant but Little Richard is capitalized in the original.)
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Here are today's shaded clues for you - 12a Underground edible part of a plant such as the wild carrot, parsnip, Jerusalem artichoke, burdock, salsify, sorrel, celeriac or horseradish [4] 42a Colour...
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Today's rather bizarre Alphapuzzle clue.
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2d . Get four similar vowels mixed with that fricative sound..... just for a laugh! (3,3)?e?H??. The answer given already was TEE HEE. Could it be HEE HEE. I would be thankful for your opinion please...

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