I have Orf on my upper lip, contracted 12 years ago. My Doc gave me Fucidin cream to treat any flare ups, but to be honest it's not much use. Orf is a zoonotic parapoxvirus, and as far as I know,...
Have how me and Chrissy (847) getting together ever been discussed on here. we've been living together for six months or so now and got officially engaged today. We both were answerbankers back in the...
I am against religious slaughter in the uk, for animal welfare reasons only. This has nothning to do with racism at all. It has been reported in the papers than muslim inmates are suing the prison...
1 This lady owned a pink car (8) letters. 2 Coranation street Fiz, whats her real name. (5). 3 Famous beautiful Italian city ( 8 ). T V cook and a blue garden flower (7). Many thanks for any help....
q1 stanley hollaway monologue(5,5)q2threaten for payment(9)q3cold,thin,hard and transparent(5,3)q4only one dianthus(4)q5is this changing our weather(10,6)thanks for any help
3d: One bringing up the rear, a straggler(4-5): t?i? e???r 15a: Implement used to tidy up the sides of a lawn(6-6): ???i?g ???a?s 16d: Breaking up soil? That's traumatic!(9): ??r?o?i?? 20d: Wave a...
1- Low dress neckline D?C?L?????? 2- Leading female expert D?Y?N?? 3- Senior Ottoman official P?S?? 4- Stand on hind legs R???S 5- Lusterous mineral rock MI?? 6- Cuban hand drum C?N?A 7- Circular...
How come loads of girls (serious answer please)? how come loads of girls can wear tights and panties and its OK ,I told my friend I wear them too as they fit me great and she laughed in my face and...