3 down-describing a species of shark having teeth in a zigzag formation or jagged mountain range.-A-T -o--.4down,acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavities,cold in the...
3 down nickname bestowed on an irish area supposedly because of a dazzling display of election posters,[3,6,6] t-e-a-n-r-o-n-y 4 down of, pertaining to,or located in the cavity of the abdomen,[7]
Hi 81a a scottish song of old times and recollections sung for the new year (4,4,4)a?l? l?d? syne 88a originally used to spot incoming planes during world war 11, it now has many other functions. (5)...
1d Fancy name for mountaineering especially in the Alps (8) A?P?N?? 15a Music in a brisk lively movement, developed from the minuet (7) ??H?R?O 12a Also called: wild cherry, a white flowered rosaceous...
across-14-in muslim legend, spirits often capable of assuming human or animal influence over people [6] -n -n -i, 22a- mainly us slang abbreviation of the name of a menicing river creature,[5]...