If your a squaddie, stab or UOTC then you must be able to relate to at least 5 of these. You know you've been Defence institutionalised (Made military) when...You use target indication to point out...
When I was a teeny tiny wee sprog everyone had 'grannys and grandads' now it's all 'nanna and grandad' when did we stop calling our parents mothers 'granny'?
He's been flouncing around the TV stations this morning saying that high oil and food prices are a worldwide problem and not just in the UK, and that he was committed to doing everything he can to...
China has had a 'one child per family' policy for many years now. After the tragic earthquake this week where it unfortunately looks like hundreds of families are now childless due to schools...
A few years ago I met a gypsie lady who read my palm, she said amongst other things that I would live to be 86 and would die surrounded by my family. My plan is this: The night before my 86th birthday...
for tonight, I may log on tomorrow or I may not, who knows? I might just stay off until Monday. Anyhoo, thanks one and all for a fandabby-doubledozzey week, have a great weekend if I don't see you...
Cat: 1) Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while...
.I'm puzzled, last night I was talking to my friend who told me that there is more computing power in today's mobile phones that there was in the rocket that sent the men to the moon Utter...
Now that summer's here lets talk about flip flops What kind do you favour? 1) The ones where the strap goes over your toes? (like mine) 2) The ones where the strap goes between your big toe and the...
For me it's when I hear the radio playing Don Henley's "Boys of Summer" which is being played on Radio2 as we speak!!! Summers coming How do you know it's on it's way?
I don't get this, he brings deap people back to life by touching them once, if he touches them again they go back to being dead and this time they stay dead, right? Now then, he also brings fruit back...