Bottled water a right rip off what did we do before it was all designer bottled, we used the tap. Panorama programme exposed the double standards, bottled water imported from Fiji where the people...
Was asking google slang term for convict or ex convict for crossword answer , came across Convicts reunited, what would they discuss what would their reunion be like?
passed by the local pub this morning after getting Sunday papers nd the place was littered with cigarette ends when smoking was allowed indoors the cigarettes and other bits of rubbish were disposed...
How do you get rid of emails in trash do you have to delete each one separately I am having bother with my email set up and I am trying to free up trash
How do people know how to deter mice clean certain products etc household tips is it by experimenting or chance, have read that mice hate the smell of mint silverfish hate cloves I recently went to...
Read recently about man waiting for the bus it passed him by because apparently he didn't give the right type of wave also another story today about bus passing by, letting off passengers reason...
Are there foods drinks etc that you have never tasted but would like to try? I have just discovered olives which I know are an acquired taste, try Sainsburys Taste the Difference stuffed Manzanilla...
Article in todays Daily Express about a teacher Mohammed Salim father of 11 children quits his ?27,000 a year job to make more on benefits part of his income is jobseekers allowance even though he has...
Went to see Swan Lake Ballet By the Birmingham Royal Ballet It was fabulous I enjoy the arts but I have never been to a live ballet before It was an enjoyable performance that must be experienced by...
Do you enjoy weddings are do you think they are a waste of money I have noticed lately via tv newspapers etc that a lot of couples who have been together for a long time want to get married at great...