The battery has been on it's way out for ages so it's always plugged into the mains. However, it won't start up now....power light is on and a battery light flashes on and off. If i buy a new battery...
When I put wii sports disc in the wii recognises it. I press start, the wii then goes back to the wii menu.
This happens everytime!!!!! Help please! The disc has only worked once......
I haven't used salt as been using 3 in 1. However, my dishwasher is making odd noises (like a crackling). Is this as a result of limescale build up and if so, what can I do??? Thansk Lydia
Ok, our drive consists of rockery stone/house bricks (not totally covering...very jigsaw puzzle!) which is on top of clay soil. It's also uneven. We need to start a diy job this weekend as fed up of...
Our Syrian hamster has been losing weight recently. This morning she has full pouches from yesterday and blood/fluid dried on her neck/legs. Going to vets later but does it sound fatal???
Have been given a Samsung G600 pre-owned.....put my sim in....fine. However, it doesn't recognise the contacts on my sim card!! How can I alter this please?? Thanks Lydia
My washing machine is on the blink and I need to purchase a new one. Do any of you out there have a really good washing machine you would recommend? Something not too pricey and where I could possibly...
ive found a dead bird in my garden.dosn't look injured apart from being dead. do i put it in the bin or do i phone a vet or somthing(bird flue)? any ideas would be great