74a 12 letters those who debase something by adding inferior material -d----r-t--s 59d a type of hard plain biscuit or a hard nutty filling for chocolates 8 letters .r.c.n..
All answers are musical instruments past and present 1 Harpic colours the toilet water (7) 2 He had to revisit army barracks to review the troops (5) 3 Westminster (6) 4 Barmaid (5) 5 valuable card...
33a Alpine winter resort in eastern Switzerland ****S*E** 22d Ancient percussion instrument similar to tambourine T*M*R** 28d Formless matter existing before the creation of the universe C*A** ....
26a. One of a class of inorganic compounds formed when metal replaces a hydrogen atom of ammonia (5) -m-d- 18d. a name given to escaped convicts living in Australia (11) --s--a--e-s
Things associated with the Universe, last two to get, don't know how many letters in the answers. e.g. Rested by the ash container = Saturn. 1, The scale got mixed boos. 2, It changes height with the...
Please could you help with a few more questions. Many thanks. 1. Good carriage for easier childbearing, ---A------O- (12). 2. In 5 years, my son will be half as old as me. 20 years ago, my father was...
another type of traditional fixed-stepped sequence to music, with couples arranged in sets or facing each other in lines[7,5] ?o?n??y ?o??e previous answer - strathspey -clue:a scottish dance with...
an 18th century term for a piece of music intended to be light entertainment(12)? the london-born comedian and actor known for his catchphrase "you lucky people", tommy ?(7)?