Brain's a bit broken this morning - last two 8D: Maybe Drop Scone Fried With Seconds To Spare? Unbeatable [6,7] _E_O_D / _O___R_ record holders? can't parse that though 23A: In the end, burnt... ...
2d Dabblers one ripens with energy rising. Must be amateurs but can't get the parsing . 13d Bishop giving way to tirade dishonourably, displaying lack of ignorance. Ans is ignorantly but can't see... ...
Some users are having trouble with FF12. If you have posted a question or answer recently, and it has not turned up until you refresh the page, you've got the same problem! It's happening everywhere,...
Agh am stuck on quite a few this week, brain not engaging at all .. any help over the mental block[s!] gratefully received, thanks 15A A pair, such as the solver and the sheep [10] ----P---E 8D...
hopelessly stuck on last few this morning... brain fog ! 14D Inept Clanger lying down [5/5] ---O-/P-O-E 15A Polish damage metal flyer [4/6] S-N-/M---I- 12A We're told trim's wanting braces [5] P-I-S...
Having a slow morning the day - last few if anyone can shed some light, appreciated 13D - Second time Everyman will crop selfie, ghastly imagery - T-L- / L - - - - 2D Blyton's vacuous designs E-D- TIA...