1d Expert carrying a 19 (7) c.r.v..
(19 is Hatchet)
12a Kid with crone's odds and sods (6) ..g.a.
These are my last two to complete the crossword. Any help much appreciated....
last few and I would appreciate some help. 19d Italian dish cooked on plate. P-L----(7) 25A a SINGLE RELEATED BY MAN IN RUBBISH POP GROUP (4,4) T-K-, ---- Is it "Take That"???? 21d Rick and Oliver (5)...
10a Finally strummed strange instrument -r-- (4)
6a Is about to enter America, a huge territory -- (4)
8d Crazy inmate hiding Medical Officer's fossil ----n-t- (8)
Any help much appreciated...
1a Artist's mum not qite prepared for icy roads. (8) m--------
19a Heart won't be affected by a fall in this condition (5,7,3,7)
any help appreciated...
pls help with the last ones
11a Sex with a spiteful person (5) - - p- e
22d Vertical pipe is on earth between two castles (6) r-s--
26a Pound into equally solid cut stones (6) -s-l--...
Hi all, hopefullly someone out there can help me with these clues.... 6a cold leding to rough throat ---w (4) is it crow?? why?? 7d simple game with short piece of wood (6) --s-i- 18a Noise that larks...
Last two. Any help out there?
17a Excessively happy, as priest in attempt to turn boy (8)
13d Crush to smaller bits (9) s...m.o.l
thanks in advance...
last two
23a Aftr ill issued, huge sums showin items wth a charge (4) b-n-
27aOne at 16 runs away, a social misfit (4)
A big thanks to whoever can help me...