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Frank Sinatra: The Voice - now showing on BBC4 !
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Mine was 'Bridges of Madison County' and before that 'The Railway Children' (which just happened to be on) and now I am watching 'Schindler's List.' (ITV 3) Come on ! join in !
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....but caused much hilarity when I walked into the main office stooped over like Mrs Overall (Julie Walters version) and said, in a high pitched voice, "two soups ?" A bit later a young lad I rarely...
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When I was little (way the late 70s) my mum used to read a book to me about an inventor who makes a machine that keeps getting bigger and bigger until it covers the whole world. I think that...
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I'd love to have the stories I write printed into a proper book!
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I didn't cry, am I the only one who didn't? I loved it and loved Hugh Jackman, but why did Cosette have such huge pupils in her eyes, looked mightly suspicious to me, having sorted my daughter out...
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one six letter word ? !
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I opened my eyes and Tina Turner was singing down on me. What's yours ?
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Lately I have started and left unfinished more than one book, I prefer non fiction but a few recent best seller ficional books have grabbed my attention. I used to look forward to going to bed in...
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..or if you're not right now, what were you listening to last? Me: Dare - The Human League (a trip down memory lane) whilst perusing pics of old 80s stars on Google images. "...but just to keep you...
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Corrie Street dimwit women ! Wish I could meet women that stupid ! Here goes. If you own your own house and teeth please contact me on ........ !!!
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Or is anyone else looking forward to her comeuppance? Or do you think it's likely to be too harsh?...
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Hi, just wondering if someone could recommend a good site where you can play Scrabble (or similar) on line please? Just don't want to download lots of things but play online. Many thanks for your...
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They've both been on tonight BUT which is best ?There's only one way to find out !
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Tomorrow never comes, so don't say it....
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Just started with a coffee and a splash of Brandy. Please join in !
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and immediately starts crying . . . . . . Is he really a man or . . . ....
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AScot McDougal, the dog on Magic Roundabout Robert Kiltroy Silk...
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..on a chipper note this frosty evening..
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Quick, it's on now!

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