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29A. Shannon tributary found in New York. (4) I?A? . Sorry for bothering you so soon again, but this is the last one, and I'd love to get it finished now. Thanks
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1A. A prison sentence accompanied by a profit? On many occasions! (4,3,5) ??A????????N. 26A.See the cardinal jeer a garment (5) ????K. Thank you for your help...
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9A. Is that the top dog gone off in front, or that doggone wolf again? (4,6)I???L?A?E? Thank you for your help....
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1D. Oui, si, one can be , fluently (10) ?R?????U??. Thank you for your assistance
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Personality's name required. From Letters - YAYRDVNNE. Blurred picture of man with short dark hair and a beard. Thank you for your help...
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Nice trip East can be arranged for the one who gets it ...(9) ?E?I?I???. Thank you for your help...
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13D. A bold pose's wrong for ballroom dances? (4,6) ???O?O?L?S. 14A. Training kit and leisurewear (10) S?E?T???T?. Thank you for your assistance
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1D. Fails to distinguish between (7,2) ??D?L???P. 3D. Common dish (8) ??E?E???. 4A. The lancers and mazurka were old examples of these (3,6) ??T?A?C?S. Thank you for your help
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6D. OK,Bond, Operations Room open, but must be handled if you want to get in! (8) ?O?????B. 16D. Hit the target with a hat-trick to start with: that's a biblical number (5,5) ??R???C???. Thank you for...
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12A. It may give you a high temperature from a low one, or some such ill wind. (5) ?H?T? Thank you for your help...
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6D. From the grapevine, vintage '81 cops and robbers series. (8) ?E?G?R?Y. 26A. ...while members raise the second amendment to carry them stateside (4) A?M? Thank you for your assistance...
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5D. Self-effacing. as any unmasked bank robber should be! ???????E? . Thank you for your help
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13D/23D. 360-degree revolution by a circus trapezist? That's really stretching it! (4,3,3) ?V?NT?E?O?. thank you in advance
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19D.Unpleasant to behold, though you wouldn't see much of them with them! (8) E?E?O?E?. 6D. How gratifying to the eye, if teasing somehow at a banquet (8) ?E?S?I?S. Thank you for your help....
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25A/3D. half a score off frequently, which would be ...full marks for the answer! (3,3,2,3)???R?T ???E?. 9A. It's how the conductor will call for it, as the brass seems to be the source of it !...
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12A. Car maintenance, attending a gentleman . ?A?E?I??. Thank you very much for your help
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18A. Apart from California - and not behind the camera - where else would you find old Clint? (2,3,4,2,4) ???H???N???T???. Thank you for your help
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10A. Other name for the Devil (6) ?U?H?R. Thank you for your help...
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13D. Sponged, took advantage of (10) ?R???O?D?D. 20A. Large retail outlets (10) ???A?T?R?S. Thank you very much for your help...
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16D/15A. Then add us now to regenerate those with nothing to their names. (3,4-3-4) ??E?O?N???O???. Thank you for your assistance...

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