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50d: Raise a little money, not given by one who doesn't care (4) t?s? My last please.
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Help please, a few left to go: 11d. A subject no longer brought up, Democratic online publication with American spot eliminated (13) d?c?t?z?n?z?? 26ac Humidity monitors went over snow, meeting...
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Last one: Thanks. Publicised concert by old bandleader named Heath (8) ?r?n?ted
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Need help on last few. Thanks. 16ac. Fellow bowled over during Weber overture (6) T?e?o? I have Trevor. 32ac. One beams brightly, taking steps keeping to beat (10) ?i???light. 33d. Items from...
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16ac Acceptable to turn over centre of wood here (4) o?k? My guess is oaks referring to the race The Oaks.
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Help please. 39ac Yellow hue corn, I suspect (8) ?n?e?o?s 50ac Now mummy gets hot wearing jumper? I'm surprised! (7) s?a?a?h
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Stuck on NE corner and requiring expert help: 5d Flesh to be sold in draw, getting millions for hospital (4,4) My guess is dham meal. 11ac Muses in genetically modified area over giving approval (7)...
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48d Literature on relativity at first's given E=Mcc? My guess is litre but I don't understand the substitution of Mcc for the e here. LIE-IN-kING? Thanks in advance.
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The second week in a row that the Times Jumbo did not come up correctly on the web site!
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Re: 30d Number one route for saving time. s?e?t ?o? The letters I have seem pretty solid. My guess based on "number" meaning deaden is slept out other possibilities spelt out, smelt out scent out, and...
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Help for last two please: 18ac: Commercial travellers gathering-one chap's outside b?g?e? 34ac: He had initially interrupted in addition, being unprepared on the ??? Thanks.
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26ac: Outrageous tax I'll pay to cover house's stone removal (11) ??s?o?a?a?? Getting this one will hopefully allow me to finish. Thanks in advance.
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37ac: Young person's offer in betting scam. s?r?g Is this sprog? or sprig? or? Thanks.
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56ac Hoo-ha about mislaying a square of fabric (5) s?a?f scarf? scaff? snarf? Thanks in advance.
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Topless Italian entertains dimwits (11} ??????n?s?s Thanks in advance.
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I'm down to the last two having slogged though the rest, and I doubt a couple more hours of research would prove productive for me. Help appreciated here: 22a Shock over four seeing "striped" man:...
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I need expert help with 9ac: Theseus , at first, compelled to secure Minotaur's end Greek character backtracking in vault: u?d?r?r?i? is the answer underdrain, and if so how does the word play work?...
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22 dn: God is interested? Not at first (4) ?r?s My guess here- eros with (z) missing as first letter of five letter word. Other possibility- eris? Expert opinion please.
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Stuck on SW corner: 18ac ??a?s?m Containing sulfur as if a source of bitter tonic 18d ??a?c?? Forming a thicket once quarterly every year 27ac ??alms Local straightens for topping the old good deed...
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Last two: 21D For travellers, others turned up similarly with luxury car G???S and 24A Scots love fine local duck ??O? For one of you experts. Thanks in advance.

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