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metal mined in new caledonia - ?????l
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48 down - Whats involved in top command (6) ? E ? E ? T
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Radical qualification you'll pursue heartlessly B*T*L Is it betel botel butyl? Thank you
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chandelier glass,????? reflected radar beam, e??? kuril island,s people,???? branch of islam, s?n?i woolf chafacter, o??a?d? iconic video game, h>l.
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Help please with 6 down Starting work and ending having despatched 500 o - - - i - g and 9 across Tsarina gained heart of Potemkin by force e - - - - - s Thank you
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Stuck on 1 a. Spanish man making a point (5) S _ I _ E. Anyone help please?
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1. Railwaymen, as it were in nippy car (8). ?U?A?O?T. The answer must be RUNABOUT - but why? 2. Guerrilla put to death a group of soldiers (6). ?A?O?A 3. Weedy type Jesus was mistaken for (8)....
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5a another name for the soap bark tree
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Raw beginners for example, getting taken in by swindles (7) - O - - - E - Any ideas?
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Hello - does anyone know what a male llama is called - Many thanks
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5ac. Gosh, not much of a bloomer! (6) ?r?m?s My guess is gramps- g from gosh ramps = bulb gramps is grandfather Other ideas? Thanks.
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31. ginger girl swallows a fish (8) 27. branch of reconciliation (5) 23. vehicle rust that appears orange (6) 19. central root of primo olives (5)
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the old mill
28d Glasgow Playhouse that became the Apollo(5,1) (?r?e?s)
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Could be a French hotel (5,6)
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machines capable of flying
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granny grump
General Knowledge Please can any one confirm Who said ' I 'm so fast could hit you before God gets the news' Is it Muhammed Ali?
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ginger girl swallows a fish (8) This is a clue to a fruit or veg. Might the ginger girl be Geri or Annie? Help!!!! I am giving up after this.
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46ac Weaver with sibling across the city (5) I have s.l.s. this is my last one. must have made a mistake somewhere. thanks in advance
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16 across. Arch-enemy could be seen as cowardly? (3-7) ?E? - H?A?T?D
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recurring depression about womans figure 7

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