31a the largest island in the caribbean, situated at the entrance to the gulf of mexico (4) _ _ _ _ ? 27d large fishes of twhe genus Seriola (10) a _ _ _r _ a _ k _ any help is greatly recieved as...
Last minute help needed!!! 50 Two-word name of literary prize, est. during 1960s, named after translator who founded it & awarded for translation of full-length French work into English? 53 Two-word...
18a opening for those on the lookout may require such paperwork.(6,8) -e---h ---r-n-- 26a like the PM fellow with little time to be an administrator(9)i---n---- 3d like net that could get curlier with...
For 20ac: One answer to the Irish Question, in principle (4,4) Can't make up my mind whether the answer is home rule or Rome rule. There's no cross-check on the first letter. Help please. Thanks.
Stuck on this, sorry if this has been answered earlier, or perhaps I'm the only one who can't get them! 47a Time invested in symphony and literature of a sort E?O?O?A many thanks
Can anyone help me with these quiz questions please? 5. He is inside the Castle 17 A microbe with a final electron 18 An Abbott is joined by another fellow 27 A deer with only one eye, it seems Ta...
Finished it, but not sure about 4d Poet cut verse out of volume one (4) O?I?. I assume it is the poet OVID, but could be OMIT, because I don't understand the clue!
35a A time to follow hollow warning(6) ?a???t 43a Contain nitric oxide symbolically described(8) e?n?r?l? 53a Notoriety of investments initial fifty pounds part of descending scale (3,4) i?l ?a?e 51d...