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25d. one used by another for awkward task ----/p--
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Last clue here, and I haven't a clue as to the answer! 19A Opera act conceals a little spot (8) ?u?a?d?t Thanks! :o)
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Last few questions foxing us! 4a French neurologist,teacher of Freud and Tourette 15d Ancient Arabian city -m-o- 5d Egyptian deity --u- 29a Celestial body composed of dust and ice -o-e- 16a Ancient...
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28a One of the areas of tissue in the wall of the small intestine (6,5) P _ Y _ _ /P _ _ _ H. and 14a Funnel shaped bodily parts (11) I _ _ _ N _ I _ _ _ A. Many thanks
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Colourless volatile substance and organic compound used in flavourings, solvents and perfumes
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6A - unexpected gain (8 letters)
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Hi guys, stuck for two 47a light anchor ?e??e 101a drench s?n?i Thanks
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Please can I have some with these two cryptic clues First Clue Five letters Coy under copper, but comfortable C -- -- --Y Second Clue Nine letters Cope with freak tricks at cards -- -- K -- R -- --...
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Stuck on north-east corner of this delightful puzzle. I have only one sure letter for 10ac-Promotion of Christian unity's come adrift, letting evil Australian runner back in (10) ????????s? Help...
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help needed with 19a of course it`s usually last d-s-e-t am I right with "deep"as answer for3d
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Can you help me please 24d spot the spy -o-e 7d its a tragedy losing part of bible magazine 10 a soldier circles small mountain with drug for hunting guide
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What is angler's name for caddis fly larva? Thank you for any help.
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please can anyone help with these four - Store herbs here. Justice. Liquid/Liquor. Rest Home. thanks
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Hi 1A) Bedaub (4 LETTERS) ?LA? 4D) Turn (2 LETTERS) ?O Please help. Thanks
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13d 11 letters lean on stick before a dance - object if the caller's incompetent t -i -g- m -j -g thank you
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1 ac Land in America and disperse (6) ???e?? 16 dn Kills rival after service (9) ????a?r?s any help appreciated.
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combine round nato member in determined way 8 is clubable right
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8d Fellow miner no longer in credit O?L?E if JERICHO is correct for 5a?
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2d Stop on journey perhaps the last before coming to India T_T_L ? Only thing I can think of is Total or tetel.
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142a, jewish passover biscuit, ?etzo 160d, caesar,s sentries, ?n??t???nnn guard, 201a, spartan soldier, ///L?T?

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