Last few questions foxing us! 4a French neurologist,teacher of Freud and Tourette 15d Ancient Arabian city -m-o- 5d Egyptian deity --u- 29a Celestial body composed of dust and ice -o-e- 16a Ancient...
28a One of the areas of tissue in the wall of the small intestine (6,5) P _ Y _ _ /P _ _ _ H. and 14a Funnel shaped bodily parts (11) I _ _ _ N _ I _ _ _ A. Many thanks
Please can I have some with these two cryptic clues First Clue Five letters Coy under copper, but comfortable C -- -- --Y Second Clue Nine letters Cope with freak tricks at cards -- -- K -- R -- --...
Stuck on north-east corner of this delightful puzzle. I have only one sure letter for 10ac-Promotion of Christian unity's come adrift, letting evil Australian runner back in (10) ????????s? Help...
Can you help me please 24d spot the spy -o-e 7d its a tragedy losing part of bible magazine 10 a soldier circles small mountain with drug for hunting guide