23a Long strip of natural or synthetic material used as a trimming or decoration ??b?o? 32a sound or gesture conveyinga message or instruction s?g?a? 1d taxonomic category ranking below a phylum...
7d. Phase when the distinctive markings of a bird, especially a drake, are obscured by the breeding plumage. I have E?T?P?E Would appreciate help. Harrytabby
Can any kind soul help me before I go insane on the thes two clues please? 14 a Domestic bird pinned by nail, unfortunately (8) i?t?r??? 35 d Reserve cape follwing a chump's return (9) ?l???n?s?
19d type of tube worm 4,5 s??? ??s??. 26a First event on the World Rally Driving Championship calender 5,5 ??n??, ?a?l ? , 32a Snowy, white 7 letters. Finding this harder than most weeks, any help...
Stuck on quite a few! Has anyone the answer to these please? 25A 70A 117A 127A also 3D 56D 72D and 92D Many thanks in advance and a Merry Christmas everyone
Morning. 36 down - Old testament, an embroidered vestment worn by priests? E?H?D 38 down - Type of cattle inhabiting Sulawesi? ?N?A Many thanks in advance
Hi can anyone help with the last two. 20 across type of organic acid used in the manufacture of phenols, dyes etc (US spelling) ?u?f?n?c 4 down archaically or dialectally, an ox, cow, bull etc n?a?...
1d To speak publicly in a declamatory way (3-5 ) I have t?b ? h?m? also 12a A preliminary matter (5-6) a?a?t ?r?p?s I may have something in wrong of course.
Many thanks
1 across Study of the earth's surface as it was in the distant past. I have palaeontography but it is wrong or at least I think it is. 26 down a white breed of goat originally from Switzerland. 13...