I saw reference to vesta curry in a TV programme recently and although I never ate them they were adverts which were part of my generation. But whatever happened to them? Who were the manufacturer?...
There is poem I came across some years ago on a training course about an indispensable man. Something to do with a bucket of water, putting his arm in and on removing it the water goes back to it's...
There is an inspirational poem about people who keep saying it couldn't be done. Something about them being so busy saying 'it couldn't be done' that they have to stand aside for the person busy doing...
"Mole was on a marigold come down" are the only words I can remember of a 60/70's song possible by TRex. Can anybody point me in the right direction to find the song title? Thanks
What is the song title and singers name of the folksong containing the lyrics "If I was a butterfly just for today, I could be free just floating away, silver moon sailing and silver moon shine on the...
Where can I buy one of those adapters which screws onto the ends of two toothpaste tubes so that the residual contents of one can be transfered to the other?
Where can I obtain a written sheet music version of the drum rhythm's used in the Police song 'The beds too big without you? and does anyone know if there is any software available that will detect a...
Does anyone know where on the web can I obtain a copy of the sheet music to the Sky tune Tuba Smarties from the Sky 2 album. My own searches have drawn a blank. Many thanks.
Why do we drive on the left and others on the right? I know it has something to do with swordsmanship and horse riding in years gone by, but I canot remember the details. Can anyone help? Thanks
About 1-2 year ago there was a music video used frequently on the TV. Female artist. She was walking around the four crossings at a cross roads in a continuous loop, and every time she passed the...
Let's do a thought for the day, one to three lines per post, each coherent with the post before. Then dump it after 100 posts. We could find it pulling in two directions. Whoever is up first can start...
A Psychologist is arguing that children under three should not watch any tv. He also recommends that young children shouldn't have a tv in their rooms and that the government should provide parents...
Plot: A guy and his girlfriend, living together. She discovers that everything she and he are doing together or that he is doing for her has been done for someone else. She discovers in a cupboard...
We know about the Eden project in Devon/Cornwall but the concept is also based on a Sci Fi movie where space ships are in orbit with samples of all the worlds species of plant and wildlife are being...
What are the three things you hate most about modern films? 1. The way the "opening" credits are still being shown half-way through the film. In the "good old days", you had the title of the film,...