4 down - state of north east India that borders Nepal? B?H?R 22 across - Height of a person or animal when standing? ?T?T?R? 29 across - Latin word meaning "hence" or "therefore?" ?R?O 39 across - Two...
25 down - A fine woollen fabric, sometimes mixed with silk or cotton, used in coats? B??A?H?A 28 down - Herbaceous plants with large red, pink or white flowers? P?O?I?S Thanks in advance
6 across - lattitude, scope? ?E???Y 7 down - rare, expensive posession that is a financial burden to maintain? 5 & 8 letters? ??I?E ?L?P?A?T Many thanks in advance
14 down - Unhealthy vapours especially from decaying organic matter M?A??A 23 down - Formal expression of paraise in speech or writing P??EG???C Many thanks in advance.
22 across - Plug for the vent hole of a cask ?P???T 18 down - Embroidery done on canvas with thick coloured threads, usually uniform stitches ??E??E??I?T 20 down - Traditional saying expressing a...
6 across - follow, pursue, trail ?H?D?? 2 down - country lads, boyfriends ???I?S 3 down - marks or token of infamy, disgrace or reproach ?T?G?A? 16 down - juxtaposed C?M?A?E? many thanks in advance
1 across - containment of damage or loss; disaster control = 15 letters T?O???E???O?ING 10 across - hidden hazzard - 7 letters ??T???S 3 down - 8 letters - courage, fearlessness ??L?N?SS 5 down -...
11 across - 9 letters Applicable to or affecting many individuals or cases U?I??R??L 12 across - 9 letters Small round ribbed variety of Melon with orange flesh C?N??L??p Many thanks in advance
Fence of wooden stakes driven into the ground - 8 letters ?A??S?D? Ring on a dog's collar to which a lead is attached - 6 letters ?E?R?T Many thanks in advance