An elderly couple were driving across the country. The woman was driving when she got pulled over by the highway patrol. The officer said, "Ma'am did you know you were speeding?" The woman turns to...
Happened to stumble upon a post by Dangerous in Body and Soul. (I was going to say if you're easily offended, then don't look) ...but just don't look. What a prat.
Today my wife asked me to go up in the attic to find the Halloween stuff for the kids, She knew I had a bad back so I went up there and couldnt find it, To her amusement she found it under the...
Hi peeps, this is me first post as aka pixi. Im so sad i wanted to be pixi forever and ever :) And just cos im green doesnt mean you can make me buy all the cake lol
awww abed i have changed me name cos of the crap thats going on, can you please wipe pixi's account? boooo hooooo i have got a bottom lip trailing on the floor. Anyway i am now aka pixi. Thank you :(