Bednobs gave me the idea. Years ago, had a school chum called Beatrice (she hate it, preferred to be called Beattie) Her mum, however, insisted that we call her Beatrice, unfortunately the lovely lass...
ok, I know not all of you like peanut butter :-) Crunchy or smooth? Salted or plain butter? Plain or pan bread? A good cement sandwich, imo, is plain bread, salted butter and crunchy peanut butter....
just as well I'm a loss to the diplomatic service. Lovely warm day, opened back door and living room windows to get a breeze going throu Mr Alba comes in to the room, so told him if he was getting a...
not sure if this belongs here, plus it's not really a question. We have pre-pay leccy meter, always have bought in increments of £5, never knew until today, that you you top up by £6 or whatever....
I don't think we've had one for a while. Mini cheese and onion quiches, tuna and tomato sandwiches, salmon in the voldy vends, pigs in blankets. A hooooge pile of profteroles too :-D Wine in the usual...
how often do you fall back in love with your OH? I'm not suggesting that you fall out of love, you just get comfy and love them, it's the falling back in love. After 34 years of knowing him, I think...
if, when your the sole of your foot is itchy and you have tickly soles, how on earth do you get rid of the itch?
I've rubbed on the edge of a step which seems to have helped....
this discussion has probably been done to death on here. Himself yesters said that the student alba will be in at dinner time. For me, that's between 5 and 7pm Lunch is between noon and 2pm According...
just wondered if anyone would like to suggest an AB'er to play the part.
Can't have sqad, that's typecasting :-)
Well, where on earth would you put the daleks ibuprofen?...
I'm sure she must have a surname, I've 'googled' but nothing seems to be coming up. (other search engines are available) I'm kicking myself, especially as her 'dad' was in one episode when she and...
guy behind me coughed, nearly blew me wig off! Obviously no-one taught him to either cover his mouth or move his head. Shopping brought home, freezer stuff in freezer and straight in for a shower and...
Have you got a favourite?
Love gingerbread, chocolate cup cakes, battenburg, Victoria Sponge, chocolate sponge.
Chocci eclairs and profiteroles (but they're not really cakes are they?)...
Today is a medley of chicken 'cos I luv chicken :-) Chicken goujons, chicken drumstick and chicken wings. Sandwiches with a variety of chicken fillings, eg sliced breast and salad cream Voldy vents...