if, when your the sole of your foot is itchy and you have tickly soles, how on earth do you get rid of the itch?
I've rubbed on the edge of a step which seems to have helped....
this discussion has probably been done to death on here. Himself yesters said that the student alba will be in at dinner time. For me, that's between 5 and 7pm Lunch is between noon and 2pm According...
just wondered if anyone would like to suggest an AB'er to play the part.
Can't have sqad, that's typecasting :-)
Well, where on earth would you put the daleks ibuprofen?...
I'm sure she must have a surname, I've 'googled' but nothing seems to be coming up. (other search engines are available) I'm kicking myself, especially as her 'dad' was in one episode when she and...
guy behind me coughed, nearly blew me wig off! Obviously no-one taught him to either cover his mouth or move his head. Shopping brought home, freezer stuff in freezer and straight in for a shower and...
Have you got a favourite?
Love gingerbread, chocolate cup cakes, battenburg, Victoria Sponge, chocolate sponge.
Chocci eclairs and profiteroles (but they're not really cakes are they?)...
Today is a medley of chicken 'cos I luv chicken :-) Chicken goujons, chicken drumstick and chicken wings. Sandwiches with a variety of chicken fillings, eg sliced breast and salad cream Voldy vents...
You put your shopping on conveyor belt, put the plastic divider thingy after your shopping. Person behinds you moves it up and squashes your rolls against the hard stuff so they can squeeze their...
Watched an episode of Antiques Roadshow last night. One of the 'experts' was in a store and whilst they were nattering on about the item in their hand, there was an armchair with a floral covering. I...
Heard it talked about on radio and TV, do you think he should be awarded some sort of title for services to football? Personally, I don't care either way, but maybe a medal to his contribution to...
What have we got today? There's chicken wings, chicken drums sticks, various dips, salmon voldy vents and tuna and tomato sandwiches. Gin is in Crafty's usual place (sorry to read that the vertigo has...
Younger son is having issues about his dad. (we all live together, 4 of us, older sibling is his brother) He's decided not to hand in dig money tomorrow, that's fine, he'll need it towards a deposit....
been grating on my nerves for a while
Ne neighbour, has a sweet little yorieterrier, takes it everywhere, but why, oh why, does she allow it to sit on her lap whilst she's driving?...