giggled here. Tom Kerridge (sp) said monkfish and duckfish
What on earth is a duckfish? Mr Alba has been angling for over 50 years and has never heard of one....
Can't find a suitable category for this. My apologies. The 8 year old who was killed yesterday in our village is the younger sister of the older alba's schoolfriend. I know the mother. Mr Alba knows...
Hope all is well with you and yours xx
Found out at 11pm last night that I'd missed National Doughnut Day and National Hug-a-cat day. Typical.
I hope it's National Choccy Eclair Day today....
had to reinstall windows. (xp professional) Favourites have been lost, obviously and am trying to get them back. However,the afore-mentioned box comes up in some web sites, also on here I cannot see...
Well and why not? I've got more watermelon slushies with mint (thanks to fluffy, very tasty) Light nibbles and dips. Cold beers and lagers along with white wine and cider in the fridge. Tea and coffee...
Need to scrub the decks as you all did a lovely job in washing the glasses yesterday, I thought a little trip on paddle boats and sandcastles today. Drinks trolley has been refreshed, the local ice...
Due to the continuing lovely scorchio weather, wtoday there is a range of mini sandwiches, cocktail sausages, pigs in blankets to be washed down with a range of ice-cream drinks. If you wish to...
As most of us seem to be enjoying better weather, I have iced tea, strawberry tarts, cherry bakewells, crumpets, an assortment of scones and various flavours of ice cream.
I'm not sure what it's called, but if you see something on a page of a web-site which either amuses you or pleases you, how could you go about making sure you keep it? Bookmarking is not always...
just to upset them who like it at 4 :-D No curly sandwiches today, just doughnuts, jam, iced or sugared. Also iced fingers buns. It's a friday, we need consoling. Crefty's gin is in the usual spot....
Might just get the grass cut today. Yesterday was lovely and the same is forecast for today. What's going on ?
Hope you all have a lovely day, whatever you're up to xx...
Have freshly made sandwiches, (nothing left over from yesterday for my lovely party friends), sausage rolls, cocktail sausages, crisps n dips and not forgetting the lovely gooey choccy cake. If Eccles...
Have to be somewhere around that time, so can I trust you to help yourselves to the selections of wine? (Crafty knows where her gin is kept) The scones are under a cloche on the kitchen table, the...
Love it here in the morning, smootly flows, however when I come back in the afternoon it is sooo slow in loading, it seems to be forever waiting for gravatar. More traffic at that time of day I...