hi can anyone tell me the name of the song by jack johnson being played while the monkey and the man fly over the city holding onto a bunch of balloons? thanks
Is the child birth scene in the film Children of men the real thing? I seen it a couple of times and Im sure its not an anamatronic effect, or a cgi one. In earlyer scenes we see the actress who plays...
What was the music called being used throughout the programme last night (wed 25th July)? It sounds like it could be from a film soundtrack but im not sure.
what is the song played in the advert for a car. it has the same car driving. one in the mud and one on the road then it becomes one. the song goes like.. na,na,na,na
The faster you travel from A - B the time to get their will decrease. So if you keep increasing the speed the time it takes will technically, eventually reach 0 of any measurement of time. If this is...