two questions to go. 9 and 25 down. director of comm. for tony blair also 17 across to supply land with water by means of artificial canals and reservoirs. thank you in advance
28d to find again or obtain the return of something (7) 29d to soothe, moderate or relieve grief or pain rtc (7) 30a having or expressing innocence and credulity; ingenuous (5) 23a extreme or...
30 down - women's dresses with full skirts and fitted bodices (7), 39 across, area of land beside a lake, river, sea etc. Finally 20 across - area behind the bridge of a ship (9) I've got AFTE _ D _ _...
16a) 4 letters S?E? a merganiser of Europe and Asia the male of which has white & black plumage 28a) 4 letters ?H?? ?hills a mountainous region of west Myanmar (Burma) highest peak is Mount Victoria...
can any one help me with the last clue as i am getting frustrated 43a nickname of king richard 1 (5,2,4) all i can find is either richard the lionheart or the absent king, so i am guessing it is...
12 across Russian country house 5 letters D- CH- . 2 down Upper chambers of each half of the heart .5 letters A- R- - . 41 Across Makes full or complete bysupplying what is lacking. 11 letters - E- L-...
1a A type of engine (6) _A _ _ _ T 3d An Old Testament Hebrew Prophet (5)_ _ S _ H Is 10a crescent? 26d Lilaceous Africican plant (4) A _ _ _ 30d Women's dresses with full skirts and fitted bodices...
39a the area of land beside a lake, river, sea etc (9) 41a makes full or complete by supplying what is lacking (11) 20a the area behind the bridge of a ship (9) 21d a hoop of framework worn under the...