when i click on My Computer, the Local Disk (C) icon has changed. When i click on it i get a messege saying "Please go to the control the panel to install and configure system components". How do i do...
How different is Office 2003 from Office XP ? What OS does Office 2003 belong too ? and is it used widely in companies than XP ? I want to do a MOUS course but not sure which one of these do to....
How different is Office 2003 from Office XP ? What OS does Office 2003 belong too ? and it used widely in companies than XP ? I want to do a MS course but not sure which one of these do to. Please...
I am unsure what to do. Whats more valuable - an Advanced ECDL or a Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) ? I already hold an ECDL, but i was thinking of doing an Advanced ECDL in Word. Would an...
Hello, I am interested in doing a Microsoft course in Excel to the expert level. I have already completed ECDL with Excel as one of the modules, could anyone suggest me a course which is in Excel but...