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Last one. 23A Vapours sprayed from planes circling sun (8) -E-O-O-S...
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8A Heavenly body supposed to keep a book of one's misdeeds (9,5)
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Stuck on last one 16D Trumpet virtuoso's profession (8) -ROC-A-M
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Last one ... 22ac Humble tool in hand, finish off construction (4) - A - N
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Aargh, missed one! Star's very mature in comeback (4) -E-A
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Last one, v annoying! Fastener is forced at front of piano (4) -A-P...
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Stuck on the last one. Camp stretches out under pole (8) - A - R - C - S -
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Lordy, has anyone got any answers today?! Really struggling. Can only get 20ac and 4, 13 and 18dn. Any lifelines gratefully received!
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Quick while the Tel website is actually working! 14D Radiation units finding information in damaged tensor (9) R - E - T - E - S
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12A Top rep's book (10) - E - - - E - L - R...
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Last 3 so not TOO bad! 4A Food brought back with p-pork in store, 8 - - - B - A - D 5D Posh toff's valet failing to attend, 11 - - o - s - r - a - t 12D Girlfriend in just win, 7,4 S - U - E - E / - O...
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That NE corner is a struggle today. 5Ac Gives the call sign (7, ending in s)
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10A Horse race contested the wrong way, swear by the odds! 7 N - R - - - Y...
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10A High-pitched confrontation after one drops from plough (8)
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Struggling today ... 4D Train revolutionary European conscript - leaving college, one may write about class struggles 6,9 No letters in first word, second has _ _ S _ E _ T _ R...
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20 D Flipping Christmas at home initially eating like a lion (7) L - O - I - E
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8D Anti-royalist organ occupies old college space satisfactorily 6,8 O - - - E - - - O - W - L -...
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Too tough today! All help appreciated 5D Tripe starts to kick in giving nasty smell on mum 6 - I - O - H 8D Lottery pay leads to party on boat northwards 8,5 F - O - B - L - / P - O - S 19d...
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Hi clever people. I bought my husband a telescope but although it claims to be for terrestrial use as well as sky-watching, the image is upside down. Is there anything we can do to correct this -...

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