I'm a Yorkshire lad and my Mums Yorkshire puds are great, nice and fluffy and risen. She uses a gas oven, very very hot. However, now live down South I use exactly the same method as her but they dont...
Need help with a couple of quiz questions. Answers are parts of the human body. 1) The source of a river (4 letters), 2) One of the fairies? (5 letters), 3) Place where art is done (6 letters). Very...
BBC MUSIC MAGAZINE - Prize Crossword No 212 Clue 1down - Description of horns's bell, initially when fixed - ?A?S?? Clue 5 down - Dance movement - black bottom in vogue - ?E?E Clue 6 down - Square...
1) Italian pudding (8)
11) Imperial measures (5)
1) Spirit, hot water and sugar (5)
3) Examination of income (5,4)
8) Two part Latin species name (9)
24) Cvered in wetland grass (5)
10a Parasite taking a seat inside Gail, we hear, if head were attached (8) - a - - - - - m. Some worm I suppose. Yuk!
6d Report has one getting the police upset (4)? i - - -....
What is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry called.I have two answers I think but are they right (Caneberries or Brambles)
Thankyou for any help....
1d a ground-living bird of australia, new guinea and adjacent islands (8) ???a????
14a buttonless upper garment worn especially in west africa (7) ??s???i