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I’m stuck on two again – at least in understanding the parsing.of these.
4d is “Minister without Portfolio’s chief offence (5).  I have A?S?N, and I reckon the answer has to be ARSON, but I can’t... ...
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I’m stuck on two of these. They are likely somewhat straightforward but I can’t get them for now.
3d is “Round pub entrance, dropped kinky belt?” (5).  I have S?A?K.  I guess it could be SPANK or... ...
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I think I have these answers but can’t see the parsing. 20a: Cyclops’s sex with fed – “Ape!” (7). I have ?m?t?t? And reckon IMITATE. 9d: Herb’s an old crown loyalist, one turned republican (7). I... ...
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I'm stuck with this week's WWI and would appreciate a clue, e.g. county, magician....
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I can usually get the Sunday Times Travel competition, but I am stumped so far this time. I am looking for the 2nd school and the present name of a grade2 listed building. Can anyone who has seen it...
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Can someone help me understand this one? Clue is "Ancients go to to West End for food containers (3,4)". Answer seems to be "tin cans" which is an anagram of "ancients" minus the "e", but I don't...
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Can anyone help with this clue from Oldie magazine: c = flipping zero divided by zero (4), (where I deduce c to be "cat" - from other clues). I have ?i?n. Is it Lion or Zion or Sign or??...
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I'm slightly puzzled by 7d this week. Clue is "Wells stuffed whilst going at top speed (4,4)". I have ?u?l?e?t, and it seems that it has to be "full pelt", but I can't see what the connection is with...
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2d. today is "Historic region at the geographical heart of the Highlands (8)"" I have ?a?r?o?h I suppose that the expected answer is Gairloch, but I don't consider this to be at the heart of the...
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I am flummoxed by 18d today. Clue is "Daughter wraps a present? On the contrary getting stick (6)". I have r?h?r? and it would appear to be rehire or reharm, but I can't see it? I am pretty confident...
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I am stuck on the bottom rhs and some help would be appreciated. e.g. 25a: "Rabbi regularly introduced to buffoons and bounders (9)". I have just ??????i??...
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I'm trying the FT crossword for the first time in ages - with only about half done so far. Some help might give me a push. 6D is "restrained Tory was abusive on line (10)". I have just ????r????? 5D...
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I would appreciate some help with this last two: 25a. Directions or quarters (5). I have ?i?t? 28d: The thread carried by the spindle (4). I have ?e?t I am pretty sure that the letters are correct but...
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Well, the long-distance path was easy enough to find after the big clue of the film, but the toy maker eluded me for a while until I worked out I should be looking around Walmington-on-Sea.....
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I am stuck on two today and would appreciate some hints. 22d: Lecturer, one entering the new port (5). I have l?i?h. 25d: _lady finds first element dropped from plan (3). I have i?a. Apologies if I am...
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2D is "A species of grouse (abbrev) (5)". I have c?p?r, but maybe the R isn't correct. I guess it could be caper - for capercailzie - but I don't see this as a recognised abbreviation. Any thoughts?...
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I'm stuck on 1d today. Clues is Diplomatic caretaker? (6,9). I have c?a?g? d?f?a?r?s I am reasonable confident about these letters, but of course I could be wrong - and maybe the numbers in the clue...
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I am stuck on two today. 11a. is "Spell now (4)". I have ??m?. Could maybe be TIME, but I am not convinced. 7d. is "Not Bob with joke about plane (3)". I have JE?. It could be JET (with the T from...
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I am having difficulty seeing through this one. 2d in today's Scotsman. Clue is "Fetched the present (5)". I have b?i?g, and I am pretty confident in these letters. I suppose that the answer is...
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1A today is "Conservative outfit, this could take time (8)". I have r?g?t?s?, so I guess it has to be "rightist", but I don't understand the ending. Can anyone explain - or correct me?...

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