How did you acquire your vast knowledge of everything? I have just followed your directions for getting rid if the IE banner that has been plaguing me for weeks. You amaze me.
My wife maintains that food companies are hiding price increases by decreasing the size of the portions. She was trying to convince me, the other day, that her packet of Custard Creams was smaller...
Anyone heard back from the Sun Holiday offer yet with confirmed dates? We received a form from the holiday insurance company so assume we have got a holiday, just don't know when yet. Ho...
I need help finding the name of some mariachi music. I'm guessing it's a common piece because a mariachi band i saw played it every time they moved from table to table, as a kind of interlude. It was...
My in-laws are driving me nuts. We live next door to them due to the nature of the family business that Mr Planks is a partner in, so moving isn't an option! Every morning I take Toddler P up to their...
An elderly guy goes to his hairdresser for a haircut and a shave. He said to the barber that his cheeks were sunken and lined he could never shave properly."No problem sir"he says and leans...
Need to buy a bottle of dark rum for part of a 7oth birthday present. It's for someone who loves dark rum but, thought something a little special would be really appreciated.
Looking for a theme for a leavers party for year 6 (11yr olds)
Have done 'black and white', 'Grease', 'Bugsy Malone' in previous years - anyone got any good ideas ?
Ta !...
Today is the anniversary of Buddy Hollys death on 3rd February 1959. It doesn't seem to be so long ago, and we still hear his records still often being played today. Are there any other artists whose...
Would someone explain for me as I can't fathom "The Apothesis of Ab Editor, its too cryptic for me. Plus at 54 pages, I'm not sure which page to start on for red hats...
just spoke to an insurance engineer who has just inspected a very minor accident damaged vehicle(A), extremely light.. Just by luck he also got to inspect the other vehicle also (B)which had NO...
Can anyone tell me which flag has a red background and top left-hand corner the union jack and on the right a motiff in a shield? Thanks for any help. J.