Fao Spare Ed, I am appalled that you allowed such vile behaviour, why wasn't anyone 'policing'' here?? it is usually late in the night when a incident would occur, when I left, everyone who was in...
My 4yr old grandaughter asked me if I liked that ad on telly about cocoa bears. I said I didn't know which one she meant. She said, you know, where there's a big fat man with a moustache singing in a...
This morning there was an incident at my train station and a body was found on the tracks. As it was not known if the person had commit suicide or if he got there in any other way, the police...
Ive decided that im going to punish myself by drowing myself in beer,vodka and other assorted punishments! Have a great day/weekend everyone and ill catch up with you soon, its been good fun! All the...
Been down to the Docs with my little Ben, he had a localised rash on his cheeks, generally lethargic and complaing of a headache Sqads if ypu are there, the doc said it was "Slap Cheek' anyone...
I might make it permanent again cos every time I come here al I see are jokes. What is the point of having a jokes section if they are all going to be posted here?
Good Morning All, I hope you are well today. Question Time Was exciting last night wasn't it? I wish Jack straw had given some shorter answers though - didn't he know how long the programme was?...