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Fao Spare Ed, I am appalled that you allowed such vile behaviour, why wasn't anyone 'policing'' here?? it is usually late in the night when a incident would occur, when I left, everyone who was in...
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My 4yr old grandaughter asked me if I liked that ad on telly about cocoa bears. I said I didn't know which one she meant. She said, you know, where there's a big fat man with a moustache singing in a...
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This morning there was an incident at my train station and a body was found on the tracks. As it was not known if the person had commit suicide or if he got there in any other way, the police...
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Ive decided that im going to punish myself by drowing myself in beer,vodka and other assorted punishments! Have a great day/weekend everyone and ill catch up with you soon, its been good fun! All the...
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Bra fitting on Good Morning.
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Been down to the Docs with my little Ben, he had a localised rash on his cheeks, generally lethargic and complaing of a headache Sqads if ypu are there, the doc said it was "Slap Cheek' anyone...
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"I have no intention of going face down - spotty or otherwise". And what was (s)he referring to?...
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totally unreliable source ?
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isnt it about times that uncovered the taboos of Chimney sweep and mining work for our victorian kids?
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I need to go and get my hair cut, but the woman who usually cut's my hair is known locally as dirty Sharon, so what do you recon.
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but unfortunately All my gums will have to come out! is this a painful procedure?...
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I might make it permanent again cos every time I come here al I see are jokes. What is the point of having a jokes section if they are all going to be posted here?
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but unfortunately All my gums will have to come out! is this a painfull procedure?...
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In just two days from now tomorrow will be yesterday.
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to diana fluck
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Have the motley crue of bullies left? Has their ringleader on the Reef left?
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AB Editor
Good Morning All, I hope you are well today. Question Time Was exciting last night wasn't it? I wish Jack straw had given some shorter answers though - didn't he know how long the programme was?...
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11 pence in my hand but only 2 coins as on gmtv this morning hows this possible cant wait for the answer lol

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